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Venue: Edminson RM 256 clear filter
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Tuesday, April 8

10:00am CDT

Building Restorative B.R.I.D.G.E.S. - Empowering Expelled and Suspended Students
Tuesday April 8, 2025 10:00am - 11:15am CDT
Do long-term suspension and expulsion hearings feel like the worst part of your job as a school leader? Do you wonder how the student will address the initial concern while also wondering if they can return to the school setting successfully? It feels terrible to expel students. Sometimes we don't have a choice, and while we take a collective breath after the chaos, the student is likely alone with more gaps and less positive connection in their near future. 

Come learn how building B.R.I.D.G.E.S. can restore relationships, address student behaviors, and set the student on a path to success. Participants will leave this session with tools and strategies to address behaviors before the need for a hearing arises, as well as resources and solutions for use during and after the hearing process. Leaders will learn how to utilize empathy maps and restorative practice reentry circles designed to highlight students’ strengths and areas of concern, the tremendous growth occurring during the suspension/expulsion, and to talk plainly about challenges as all stakeholders prepare for the student’s return to school. Experience how we can work together as we build restorative bridges to support the student, family, and staff members to prioritize future success.
avatar for Beth Parker

Beth Parker

Curriculum & Instruction Consultant, ESSDACK
avatar for Carmen Zeisler

Carmen Zeisler

Director of Essdack Learning Centers/ Resilience Team , Carmen
Carmen Zeisler is the Director of the ESSDACK Learning Centers, an Educational Consultant/Coach, and a co-founding member of the ESSDACK Resilience Team. In Learning Centers, she has been instrumental in leading a Redesign process through Project-Based Learning. In schools, Carmen... Read More →
Tuesday April 8, 2025 10:00am - 11:15am CDT
Edminson RM 256

2:30pm CDT

Supporting Special Education Students with Trauma Responsive and Restorative Practice Strategies
Tuesday April 8, 2025 2:30pm - 3:30pm CDT
Take a journey with me as we experientially feel the emotions and dysregulation a special education student may feel in any classroom. Then we'll see and feel the difference when trauma responsive and restorative justice practices are implemented.  
Tuesday April 8, 2025 2:30pm - 3:30pm CDT
Edminson RM 256
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